Meeting documents

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet received a report which sought agreement to the approval of the preferred partner for the redevelopment of the Academy site as a public open space leisure facility.  The report also sets out the risks and issues for the project and the next stages in the redevelopment timetable.


In the discussion which followed the need to explore the provisions in the Countryside Act 1968 was noted, as was the need to investigate whether a designation under the Act would be helpful for the site.  Members agreed that going forward the project should be referred to as the Academy Country Park.  The Cabinet thanked the Director of Resources for the comprehensive report which had been produced and all the work he had done in moving this important project forward.




1)     that PCS Parkwood be appointed preferred partner for the redevelopment of the Academy site.

2)     that  the final scheme design and decision to progress to submit a planning application, be delegated to the Director of Resources in consultation with the Leader and the Chairman of the South Buckinghamshire Panel.

3)     that a budget for pre-construction costs of £200,000 be approved and funded  from the overall income generated by the project.

4)     to commit £80k from the Capital Programme budget for client monitoring costs, to be procured under the SCAPE framework.


Publication date: 03/07/2017

Date of decision: 28/06/2017

Decided at meeting: 28/06/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 11/07/2017

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